Cover Date: September 1962
Plot Overview: We start with a recap of the events of Tales to Astonish #27. Then we join Pym in the present as he decides to remake the formula. He feels that maybe one day mankind will be ready for the serum. He also makes an electronic helmet to communicate with ants and a red suit for protection.
The U.S. government decides to have Pym work on an anti-radiation serum. Word eventually reaches the Communist side of the world and they dispatch men to steal the formula. They take over Pym's laboratory and begin a search for the anti-radiation formula. Pym decides to use his serum and suit to try and save the formula and his assistants.
Pym escapes and heads to the local ant hill. One of the ants attacks and Pym discovers that he's retained his normal strength even while small. Pym defeats the ant and gets the other ants to follow him. They encounter a beetle on the surface but Pym uses his strength to bury the Bettle in the ground.
Back at the lab Pym unties his assistants and has his ants attack the Communist members. The ants disable their guns and the assistants take it from there. Pym rejoins his assistants and wonders if he'll ever need to be Ant-Man in the future.
My Take: This wasn't a terrible issue. The art was pretty good and the story was pretty well written. I don't know, the book just doesn't work. The ant stuff is ridiculous and he just seems useless for beating villains when he's small. There are uses to being small but he needs other heroes or the ability to become Giant-Man to really be viable to me.
Henry Pym is still pretty bland right now. He also lacks a supporting cast. This book needs a lot of developing done.
I'd give this issue a ** out of *****
Notes: Henry Pym's original story sold pretty well so they later decided to retool him as a superhero. That's why there was an 8 month gap between his first appearance and his second appearance. Pym will be a main feature in Tales to Astonish for a few years until Namor and the Hulk take over the book. Another interesting note, this is the only solo title that will ever be attempted for Henry Pym.
Next Issue: Journey Into Mystery #84
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