Cover Date: May 1962
Plot Overview: The issue starts off by recapping the Human Torch leaving the team. Reed blames the Thing for driving him off. They decide to search for the Human Torch and split up in the Fantasticar. Reed and Sue seach with little success but the Thing finds the Torch easily. The Torch has been working on cars in a garage. They get into a fight as a result and the Torch escapes when the Thing turns back into Ben Grimm for a brief time.
The Torch heads to the bad side of town and spends the night at a flop house. He finds a Namor the Sub-Mariner comic and begins to read it. Some of the other guests comment that one of the guys there is as strong as Namor. The man is suffering from amnesia and they proceed to provoke him into a confrontation. The men threaten to beat his memory back into him. The Torch breaks it up and says they should figure out what he looks like first. He uses his flame powers to shave the man and reveals that it's Namor.
The Torch grabs Namor and drops him into the ocean. The water restores Namor's memory and he decides to head back to his Undersea Kingdom. Namor finds that his kingdom has been destroyed by nuclear testing and that his people have moved on. He vows revenge and heads back to the surface. He informs the Torch that he's going to destroy mankind.
The Torch signals the FF and informs them of what's happening. Meanwhile Namor uses his special horn to awaken the sea monster Giganto. Giganto attacks the city and easily fights off the FF's first assault. The Thing heads to a local military depot and grabs an atomic bomb. He climbs into Giganto while he sleeps and uses the bomb to take him out.
Sue uses the distraction to steal the horn from Namor but he easily captures her. She becomes visible and Namor instantly falls in love. He makes an offer. Sue can marry him and he won't destroy the human race. Reed, Thing and the Torch try to attack but he easily fights them off. Sue agrees to marry him to save mankind. The Torch has one last trick up his sleeve and creates a giant tornado that casts Namor and Giganto back into the sea. The horn is lost at sea. The issue ends with the FF pledging to defend the world against future threats from Namor.
My Take: What can you say. This is an iconic issue of the Fantastic Four. It introduces one of the most important characters in the entire series and establishes a subplot that is still going on to this day. The characters are also starting to develop a little more. The Thing made what could be considered his first wisecrack at the end of the issue. He's also coming across less like an out of control monster and just more as a very violent and grumpy kind of guy. I hope they move past Thing being the main source of division within the team though. The art is also a huge step up from the first two issues. It looks much more polished than the first issue.
I don't have a lot of negatives to say. The Fantastic Four haven't really fought a villain in the typical superhero way. They've mostly found solutions to the issue at hand and then catch the bad guy at the end. I'm really enjoying seeing how the Fantastic Four are developing as characters and as a comic book though.
I'd give this issue ***1/2 out of *****.
Notes: This issue reintroduces Namor to the Marvel Universe. He's more of a straight up villain at this point than the anti-hero he was in the 40s. For those interested in the Namor vs. Aquaman talks, Namor predates Aquaman by 2 years in case you were wondering. This is the first time the city was referred to as New York. It was Central City in the first issue and wasn't referred to as anything for issues two and three. This is also the first time that Johnny Storm uses his trademark "Flame On" phrase to turn into the Human Torch.
Next Issue: Incredible Hulk #1
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