Cover Date: September 1962
Plot Overview: Sue arrives at the Baxter Building and finds the other members of the FF. There's been no sign of Dr. Doom since they battled him last issue. They go through some fan mail and then the scene shifts to the sea. Namor is out swimming with the fish of the ocean.
Dr. Doom spots Namor and approaches him in peace. Doom wants to team up with Namor because he feels that is the only way to beat the FF. Namor is hesitant because he doesn't want to injure Sue and it's obvious that he's in love with her. Doom convinces Namor that he should resume his mission of revenge. Doom shows Namor his invention the magnetic grabber. He gives it to Namor as part of his plan.
Namor comes to the surface and walks through the streets of New York. Meanwhile Johnny finds a picture of Namor and confronts Sue about it. They argue and as Reed and the Thing arrive so does Namor. Namor approaches them as a friend. Reed and Johnny don't believe him and search the building for possible traps. Just then the building begins to shake and lifts off of the ground.
Namor reveals that he planted the trap but Dr. Doom has double crossed him. The building lifts into space where Dr. Doom has a giant spaceship. He plans to hurl the Baxter Building into the sun. Reed and Johnny make failed attempts at stopping Doom. Namor finally decides it's up to him. After jumping into a tank of water he hurls himself into space. He breaks into Doom's ship but is shocked when he tries to open the hatch. Namor channels the electricity and uses it to blow up the cockpit. Doom is hurled into space and grabs onto an asteroid.
Back on Earth the FF find the device but can't remove it. Suddenly the device takes off on it's own. It returns to Doom's ship right before Namor crashes it into the sea. Namor returns to the sea as the issue ends.
My Take: This was another really good issue. This was primarily a Sue issue and she's being built on her crush on Namor. I find it interesting that her engagement to Reed has only been mentioned in passing but the Namor stuff has gotten a decent amount of screen time in two issues so far. I thought Dr. Doom was written a lot better in this issue. He was much more of a master schemer that used Namor and the FF as chess pieces to eliminate his biggest threats in the world.
There were a lot of little things to like. Reed explains how his suit stretches and I found that to be a nice touch. It was also interesting that Namor had built some comfort under the sea and it had eaten away at his desire for revenge against the human race. That was really an interesting concept to explore with that type of character.
The art in this issue was also really good. It's probably the best Fantastic Four issue to date as far as the art goes. My only complaint is that the FF have stopped appearing in civilian clothes. They just seem to wear the uniform around the Baxter Building. I kind of miss them having regular people clothes on.
Notes: This is the first time that the FF HQ was referred to as the Baxter Building. This issue also marks the first mention of the Yancy Street Gang. The Thing acted like he had heard of the gang but never had any dealings with them. Later on, it will be revealed that the Thing was a former leader of the gang. The Yancy Street Gang also eventually develop into a comedic foil for the Thing. Dr. Doom also saw a redesign in this issue. He looks more like his well known form. Last issue he had an outfit that you would expect to see on an elf or something.
Also a very important note. The Fantastic Four title becomes a monthly title with this issue.
Next Issue: Tales to Astonish #35
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