Cover Date: October 1962
Plot Overview: Planet X is being menaced by a runaway asteroid. Kurrgo sends one of the only two rockets they have to Earth to fetch the Fantastic Four. Meanwhile, the Fantastic Four are arguing about attending a very important dinner in D.C. Sue, Johnny and Thing all seem hesitant to go and have their reasons for it. Reed finally convinces them and as they head to the dinner the spaceship lands.
The robot of Kurrgo uses an aggression ray to turn the population of Earth against the Fantastic Four. The robot later confronts the FF and offers them a chance to come to Planet X. He explains that they'll eventually be captured if they stay on Earth and Planet X is safe for them.
They arrive on Planet X and Kurrgo explains the situation. He also explains that the FF will die with his planet if they don't figure something out. Johnny and the Thing attack the robot but Sue ultimately breaks up the fight. Reed gets to work and develops a reducing gas. With this gas they can shrink the entire population of Planet X so that they can fit on one spaceship. They can find a new planet and start over.
The asteroid approaches and Kurrgo releases them to escape in the other ship. The FF have to escape through a planet that is breaking apart at the seams but eventually make it to their ship.
Meanwhile the population of Planet X shrinks down and begins to enter the ship. Kurrgo dreams of using the antidote on just himself and being a thousand times larger than everyone else on Planet X. Kurrgo lags behind and drops the antidote as the planet breaks apart. Kurrgo tries to pick it up and then realizes the ship has taken off without him.
As the FF head back to Earth, Reed reveals that there was no antidote. He says that size is relative and it won't really matter for the people of Planet X anyways.
My Take: This issue felt like filler more than anything. There was no real significant character development in this issue. It showed off Reed's scientific prowess and I guess this is the first issue that really focused on him. He's still the least developed of the three. He's smart leader guy right now and that's about it. Johnny, Sue and Thing are much more well rounded as characters.
The art was good this issue. I love old 1950s and 60s style robots and this issue had the perfect example of one.
The plot was a little ridiculous though. This is a perfect example of an over thought Silver Age comics solution to a problem. I also didn't see the point of the double cross on Reed's part. The aliens really didn't have any other option so why offer a fake antidote. They would've gone along either way. I didn't really care for this issue that much. The last couple of issues really had a definite direction to it with Namor and Dr. Doom and this issue really felt out of place to me. It felt like this issue was a victim of the title going monthly. I wouldn't be surprised if this was in the vault or something and the issue that they meant to do wasn't ready yet.
I'd give this issue *1/2 out of *****
Notes: This is the first appearance of Kurrgo. This is also the first time that the Fantastic Four have traveled to another planet. That's really it for this issue.
Next Issue: Tales to Astonish #36
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