Cover Date: January 1964
My Take: I promised Spider-Man this time but I decided to go with the first issue of the second volume of Marvel Tales that came out in the same month. This is a series that ran reprints on an annual and eventually became a monthly title that reprinted Amazing Spider-Man comics. It actually ran for a really long time as it came to a close when I was collecting.
I had a fondness for this series as it was reprinting issues of Spider-Man from the 80s when it was at an all time high. This was one of my favorite books and I was sad when it was cancelled around issue 300.
This book was a brilliant idea on Marvel parts as it reprints the original stories of Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Sgt. Fury and it throws in the second appearance of Ant-Man. It also features Iron Man building his current armor. I imagine that the books were starting to get more popular at the time and this was a good way to show newer readers the origins of the various characters.
I'm not going to rate this issue as it's just reprints of material I've covered previously. But here's the links to the issues reprinted:
Amazing Fantasy #15
Incredible Hulk #1
Tales to Astonish #35
Tales to Astonish #49
Tales of Suspense #39
Tales of Suspense #48
Journey Into Mystery #83
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