Cover Date: August 1963
Plot Overview: The issue opens with Thor using his Hammer to create a storm to end a drought on Asgard. He heads back to Earth to take part in a demonstration of an android that Dr. Don Blake has invented. The demonstration is being led by a Professor
Zaxton. The android is an impressive creation but Zaxton accidently twists too many dials and the android is about to explode. Thor saves the day by removing it from the building.
Thor returns to being Don Blake after showing annoyance with Zaxton's screw up. Zaxton is in his office and reveals his invention, a duplicator. He wants to duplicate humans and wants Blake's help. Blake refuses at first but Zaxton has kidnapped Jane Foster to ensure his cooperation.
Blake helps Zaxton and while Zaxton is testing the improved duplicator he becomes Thor. Zaxton sees the transformation and then duplicates Thor with the machine. He also gives Demon Duplicate Thor a second hammer. The battle is on as Thor and his Duplicate battle it out. Zaxton uses the duplicator to give his Duplicate an advantage. Zaxton manages to trap Thor between a bunch of planes and the Duplicate. The Duplicate throws his Hammers but they have no effect on Thor. He realizes that the Duplicate isn't worthy of the Hammer and had nothing to fear from the start.
Thor easily dispatches the Duplicate and goes to capture Zaxton. Zaxton duplicates himself but falls off an overpass and dies. Thor decides that the Duplicate will be able to serve mankind since it will lack the evil of the original. Thor frees Jane Foster and revisits Asgard as the issue comes to a close.
The Ridiculous: The duplicator created duplicates with the opposite personality of whoever was being duplicated. The duplicates were also under the mental control of Professor Zaxton.
My Take: I really enjoyed this issue. It was a very straight forward story and it had a really good pace. Thor and Blake seemed to also be showing some real personality this time around and I found them to actually be fairly interesting as characters this time around. It feels like they're starting to "get" what they can do with the Thor character.
The Thor character is starting to have a bit of a split personality though. In the early issues, he was just Dr. Don Blake. Now, he says things that seem more like Thor. I wouldn't see the earlier Thor taking about how he loved Asgard so much because it was just Blake's personality. I'm kind of interested to see how they go about phasing out Don Blake as the book continues to progress.
I was a little sad to see Professor Zaxton die at the end of the book. He was mostly a generic mad scientist but he felt like an interesting antagonist for Thor. But these things happen.
I really liked the art on this issue. Joe Sinnott really seems like a great fit for the Thor comic. The characters all have a really good level of detail and it just feels like a Thor comic when he's drawing it. I hope he stays on the book for awhile.
I give this ***1/4 out of *****
Notes: Professor Zaxton makes his first and only appearance in this issue.
Next Issue: Strange Tales #111
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